Sunday 23 February 2014

A big massive update

Hello again.

I've been so busy, I've neglected my blog a bit. But at least there's plenty to post! I've been animating, for both Estelle's film and my own film, supervised the slow but accelerating progress of my film's 3D elements, worked on my dissertation and did some paid animation work to keep me stocked up with coffee and biscuits (vital animator fuel).

A shot for Pups. I animated Jenny, and keyed out Pup to make it easier for Patrycja to animate. I'm particularly proud of my mastery of coat toggle physics - it gives so much life to the performance but requires the least concentration to animate.
More Jenny animation. Estelle's set her film tighter deadlines than I set myself, so against my better judgement I've found myself animating substantially more Pups stuff than Magpie stuff. I've been striving to change this though, by adopting the economic methods I've had to develop for Pups and applying them to The Magpie. Work speed has improved as a result.

Magpie stuff! This is one of my favourite shots; I enjoyed animating the subtle transition from the rediscovered child in the man back to the self-centred drone he was at the beginning. The bird poo on his shoulder, the final punchline, is kind of his ultimate punishment for shrugging off his whimsical side so quickly.
After a period of exhaustion, I returned to form and animated this weirdly appropriate shot for Estelle. Working on Pups has really helped me develop a flowing style to my animation; Jenny's hair and her coat toggles are veritable playgrounds for a perfectionist animator with a penchant for physics.
A shot I started recently. I could feel myself channeling earlier work, namely animating Cave Johnson and Basil Fawlty, when I started depicting this simmering fury. I really, really like animating people on the verge of mental breakdowns. Funny that!

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