'Tall Tale' is a concept for a short animated film.
The story is about two people: a very tall, clumsy man and a very little boy. The tall man keeps trying to keep a job, and the boy keeps trying to photograph a beautiful bird, but both keep failing.
All the boy sees are boring pigeons, until a colourful bird (accidentally released from the pet shop by the tall man) catches his eye. After a little establishment of the tall man and his clumsiness, the film follows the little boy as he tries harder and harder to take a photo of the bird. Eventually, he sees it settle on a branch of a very tall tree...
Meanwhile, the tall man has exhausted all of his employment options. Dejected, he sits on a park bench. Suddenly, he hears a cry, and looks up to see the boy hanging for dear life from the tree. Just as he loses grip, the tall man reaches up and saves him from falling. The town, including all his former employers, see the tall man perform this act, and their opinion of him improves.
As a final act of kindness, the tall man lifts up the boy so he can photograph the bird safely.
The credits consist of little images of the tall man using his height to help people around the town, and his ongoing camaraderie with the little boy.
The film will be animated in Flash, with backgrounds rendered in Maya. Certain performances may be animated in 3D first, to ensure a seamless marriage with the 3D environment, and then animated over in Flash. Compositing will be done in After Effects.